Program 4 – Partnership in priority areas



Research direction: 9.1. New managerial, marketing and entrepreneurial improvement methods for organizational competitiveness


Research thematic: 9.1.8. Strategies to establish and develop the competitive advantage of the firms



Project type: PC


Project acronym: POSTRAVCOMP













Financed by: CENTRUL NAŢIONAL DE MANAGEMENT PROGRAME – CNMP through PNCDI 2, Programul 4 – Parteneriate în domeniile prioritare


Project director: prof.univ.dr.Nicoleta Hornianschi

Senior researcher I degree- CEIS



Contract number:  91 – 053 /14.09.2007


Duration of the project: 34 months

Starting date: 1/10/2008


Value of the project (including other sources of finance):1 360 000 lei

Initial value of the contract (source – only state budget):1 360 000 lei

Current value of the contract (after the reductions of CNMP): 811 600 lei




Project director: prof.univ.dr.Nicoleta Hornianschi


Address: Calea 13 Septembrie nr.13, sector 5, Bucharest, postal cod 050711

Telephone: 318.81.06 / interior 3129






Institutul National pentru Intreprinderi Mici si Mijlocii

Project coordinator: ing. CONSTANTIN Lidia Ruxandra


Address: Sos. Oltenitei, 103, sect. 4, Bucuresti, cod postal 041303

Telephone: 021-332.60.15








Project coordinator: ing. CATRINA AURELIA


Address:  Negustori/14, sect. 2, Bucuresti

Telephone: 021-211 45 89



Project summary:



The Romanian firms lack a clear policy to obtain and retain the competitive advantage at the national and international level. Moreover the macroeconomic policies in this direction were inconsistent and mostly focused on the exchange rate. The economic factors that determine the competitive advantage weren’t fully explored, and the financial policies didn’t contribute to the formation of a strong national capital as to finance the necessary investment and to ensure the economic development.  In this context the project intends to elaborate a model for the strategical positioning of the Romanian companies in national and European markets and for the identification of the ways to capitalize on their competitive advantages. As a case study we want to analyze the situation of the food industry in Romania taking into account that in the last decade the food products were responsible for around 50% of the Romanian imports, which is unacceptable taking into account the Romanian agriculture potential.

The project intends to evaluate the competitiveness of the firms and of the industrial sectors of the Romanian economy. This will be done using a systemic approach and by constructing a model that will underline the way that different factors influence the competitiveness of the Romanian firms and sectors. The core of the model will have the following modulus: input data management, forecasting and modelling modulus, graphic representation model and decision making modulus. 






The general objective of the project is to use the complementary capacities of the consortium to develop an instrument that will allow for a better identification of the competitive position of the Romanian firms and of new competitive advantages.


The main specific objective of the project is to elaborate a model for the evaluation of the Romanian firms and sectors and the application of the model as to position the firms on the national and international level. The project intends to build a coherent picture of the main ways to ensure the competitive advantage as well as to ensure the creation of new competitive advantages. Normally this approach includes the evaluation of wages and productivity as well as the social and ecological environment that influence the competitive level.  


Activities and responsibilities specific to each partner


Stage/ Activity

Partner responsible

Deliverable date




Stage 1


15 of December 07

Development of the theoretical and methodological database

 ( 3 months )

Activity I.1



Workshop organization


Development of the analysis. Finalization of the analysis. Stage 1



Development of the analysis. Finalization of the analysis.

Partner 1 INIMM


Development of the analysis. Finalization of the analysis.

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Activity I.2



Conceptual clarification regarding the competitive advantages and the quantification of the level of competitiveness.

Development of the study



Development of the study

Partner 1 INIMM


Development of the study

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Activity I.3



Analytical analysis of the competitive advantage at the level of the main sectors of the industry


Development of the study



Development of the study

Partner 1 INIMM


Development of the study

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Activity I.4



Analytical analysis of the competitive advantage at the level of internal market and the UE market.

Finalization of the study. Stage 1



Finalization of the study. Stage 1

Partner 1 INIMM


Finalization of the study. Stage 1

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Stage II


30 of June 2008

Diagnosis of the Romanian firms’ competitiveness  

( 6 months)

Fundamental research


Activity II.1



Analysis of the particularities of the Romanian firms in respect to the creation and consolidation of the competitive advantage

Development of the study



Development of the study

Partner 1 INIMM


Development of the study

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Activity II.2



Identification of the critical points responsible for the increase of the competitiveness of the Romanian companies

Finalization of the study. Stage II



Finalization of the study. Stage II

Partner 1 INIMM


Finalization of the study. Stage II

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Stage  III



30 of December 2008

The identification of the way to stimulate the main key endogenous and exogenous factors for the competitiveness of the firms

( 6 months )

Activity III.1



The evolution of the exogenous and endogenous factors that influence the firms’ competitiveness.

Development of the study



Development of the study

Partner 1 INIMM


Development of the study

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Activity III.2



Econometric analysis of the factors responsible for the competitiveness of the firms.

Finalization of the study. Stage III



Finalization of the study. Stage III

Partner 1 INIMM


Finalization of the study. Stage III

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Stage IV


30 of June 2009

The identification of the way to stimulate the main key endogenous and exogenous factors for the competitiveness at the sector level

( 6 months)

Activity IV.1



The evolution of the exogenous and endogenous factors that influence the competitiveness at the sector level.

Development of the study



Development of the study

Partner 1 INIMM


Development of the study

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Activity IV.2



Econometric analysis of the factors responsible for the competitiveness at the sector level.

Finalization of the study. Stage IV



Finalization of the study. Stage IV

Partner 1 INIMM


Finalization of the study. Stage IV

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Stage V


 30 of December 2009

The structure of the model

( 6 months )

Fundamental research








Development of the study



Development of the study

Partner 1 INIMM


Development of the study

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Activity  V.2



Development of the application

Development of the study



Development of the study

Partner 1 INIMM


Development of the study

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Activity V.3



Development of the model

-Selection of the main variables of the model based on

relevance, existence of statistical data, the structure of the data base

Finalization of the study. Stage V



Finalization of the study. Stage V

Partner 1 INIMM


Finalization of the study. Stage V

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Stage  VI


30 of July 2010

Model testing  

( 7months )

Activity VI.1


Development of the study



Development of the study

Partner 1 INIMM


Development of the study

Partner 2  INTEGRAL


Activity VI.2



-The application of the model for the analysis of the competitiveness of the sectors of the Romanian industry in comparison with the UE.

-The strategical position of the Romanian firms on the UE market

Development of the study



Development of the study

Partner 1 INIMM


Development of the study

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Activity VI.3



Identification of the ways to capitalize the competitive advantages of the firms.


Finalization of the project



Finalization of the project.

Partner 1 INIMM


Finalization of the project

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C


Final approaches to the project, development of strategies for presentation and disseminations of the research results.



  Development of strategies for presentation and disseminations of the research results.

Partner 1 INIMM


  Development of strategies for presentation and disseminations of the research results.

Partner 2  INTEGRAL C







Results for each stage of the project



Stage/ Activity

Results / Documents related to the results



Stage 1

Research report

Development of the theoretical and methodological database

- Study


- Research report


- Activity report

 Activity I.1

Workshop/ Detalied plan for Stage l

Workshop organization

- Site structure


-Site development

Development of the analysis. Finalization of the analysis. Stage 1

Thematic presentation

Development of the analysis. Finalization of the analysis.

Thematic presentation

Development of the analysis. Finalization of the analysis.

Thematic presentation

Activity I.2


Conceptual clarification regarding the competitive advantages and the quantification of the level of competitiveness.

Development of the study


Development of the study


Development of the study


Activity I.3


Analytical analysis of the competitive advantage at the level of the main sectors of the industry


Development of the study


Development of the study


Development of the study


Activity I.4


Analytical analysis of the competitive advantage at the level of internal market and the UE market.

Finalization of the study. Stage 1

Study, synthesis

Finalization of the study. Stage 1

Study, synthesis

Finalization of the study. Stage 1

Study, synthesis

Stage II


Diagnosis of the Romanian firms’ competitiveness 

Research report

Fundamental research



Scientific articles


Conferences presentations  

Activity II.1


Analysis of the particularities of the Romanian firms in respect to the creation and consolidation of the competitive advantage

Development of the study


Development of the study




Development of the study


Activity II.2


Identification of the critical points responsible for the increase of the competitiveness of the Romanian companies

Finalization of the study. Stage II

Study, synthesis

Finalization of the study. Stage II

Study, synthesis

Finalization of the study. Stage II

Study, synthesis

Stage  III

Research report

The identification of the way to stimulate the main key endogenous and exogenous factors for the competitiveness of the firms



Scientific articles

Activity III.1


The evolution of the exogenous and endogenous factors that influence the firms’ competitiveness.

Development of the study


Development of the study


Development of the study


Activity III.2


Econometric analysis of the factors responsible for the competitiveness of the firms.

Finalization of the study. Stage III

Study, synthesis

Finalization of the study. Stage III

Study, synthesis

Finalization of the study. Stage III

Study, synthesis

Stage IV

Research report

The identification of the way to stimulate the main key endogenous and exogenous factors for the competitiveness at the sector level



Scientific articles

Activity IV.1


The evolution of the exogenous and endogenous factors that influence the competitiveness at the sector level.

Development of the study


Development of the study


Development of the study


Activity IV.2


Econometric analysis of the factors responsible for the competitiveness at the sector level.

Finalization of the study. Stage IV

Study, synthesis

Finalization of the study. Stage IV

Study, synthesis

Finalization of the study. Stage IV

Study, synthesis

Stage V

Research report

The structure of the model


Fundamental research

Scientific articles

Development of the study

Thematic presentation

Development of the study

Thematic presentation

Development of the study

Thematic presentation

Activity  V.2


Development of the application

Development of the study


Development of the study


Development of the study


Activity V.3


Development of the model

-Selection of the main variables of the model based on

relevance, existence of statistical data, the structure of the data base


Finalization of the study. Stage V

Study, synthesis

Finalization of the study. Stage V

Study, synthesis

Finalization of the study. Stage V

Study, synthesis

Stage  VI

Research report

Model testing  


Activity VI.1

Scientific articles

Development of the study

CD and site project

Development of the study

Thematic presentation

Development of the study

Thematic presentation


Thematic presentation

Activity VI.2


-The application of the model for the analysis of the competitiveness of the sectors of the Romanian industry in comparison with the UE.

-The strategical position of the Romanian firms on the UE market

Development of the study


Development of the study


Development of the study


Activity VI.3


Identification of the ways to capitalize the competitive advantages of the firms.


Finalization of the project


Finalization of the project.


Finalization of the project


Final approaches to the project, development of strategies for presentation and disseminations of the research results.

Synthesis of the project

  Development of strategies for presentation and disseminations of the research results.

Synthesis of the project – specific to the partner

  Development of strategies for presentation and disseminations of the research results.

Synthesis of the project - specific to the partner



Novelty elements of the project


*   Interactive dialog with the managers of the firms in order to understand the critical factors which form the basis for the development of the firms

*   The main competitive factors of the firms

*   The analysis of the applicability of the competitive factors of the firms

*   The on the field competitive factors that the firms take into account

*   The effects of the economic crisis on the competitiveness of the firms. Measures to tackle these effects.

*   The openness of the firms in using a method for the analysis of the competitiveness based on indicators which are using the data from the balance accounts.

*   The openness of the firms to offer the necessary balance accounts data in order to run the run the models of the project.

*   The openness of the firm in participating to the development of the methodology proposed by Postravcomp

*   The pragmatic approach of the team who is combining the theoretical and mathematical instruments with the empirical factors responsible for the competitiveness of the firms

*   The development of a set of conclusions which are useful in the development of the activities of the firms in normal economic conditions but also in proactively tackling the negative effects of the crisis






*   6 published articles (ISI, journals)

Priorităţi ale dezvoltării industriei prelucrătoare pentru perioada  2007-2013 -Nicoleta HORNIANSCHI,Corneliu RUSSU - Probleme Economice, vol.214-215-216-217/2006. ed.  Academia Română, INCE-CIDE, CEIS, Bucureşti, 2008, pp.11-35 ISBN978-973-7885-37-1ISBN 973-7885-37-6

Elaborarea şi analiza modelelor prospective de influenţă a factorilor de producţie asupra dezvoltării industriale durabile - Nicoleta HORNIANSCHI, Andrei DOSPINESCU - Revista de Economie Industrială nr.3/2006, ed.Academia Română, INCE-CEIS, CIDE, Bucureşti, 2007ISSN 1584-014X

Direcţii de acţiune şi măsuri necesare aplicării cu succes a politicilor    vizând creşterea competitivităţii industriale - Nicoleta HORNIANSCHI, Corneliu RUSSU - Probleme Economice,   vol.214-215-216-217/2007. ed. Academia Română, INCE-CIDE,  CEIS, Bucureşti, 2008, pp.63-69ISBN978-973-7885-29-6ISBN 973-7885-29-5

Competitivitatea Industriilor Nationale – prezent si   perspective - Nicoleta HORNIANSCHI - Revista de Economie Industrială nr.1/2008, ed.Academia Română, INCE-CEIS, CIDE, Bucureşti, 2008, pp.7-16

Scenarii posibile de alegere a priorităţilor dezvoltarii industriei  nationale - Nicoleta HORNIANSCHI,Vasile DAN,Ruxanda ISAIC – MANIU,Nicoleta ODAE,Mariana VANIA - Studii şi cercetări economice, vol. 41/2008, ed. Academia    Română, INCE-CIDE, CEIS, Bucureşti, 2008, pp.61-66

Repere pentru elaborarea unei politici naţionale de creştere a competitivităţii industriei româneşti - Nicoleta HORNIANSCHI - Revista de Economie Industrială nr.2/2006, ed.Academia Română, INCE-CEIS, CIDE, Bucureşti, 2008, pp.12-17ISSN 1584-014X

2 articles to be published

Model integrat de analiza a competitivităţii la nivel de firmă (I), Revista de economie industrială, nr. 1/ 2009, Editura Academiei Romane, INCE-CIDE, CEIS, (în curs de apariţie)

Model integrat de analiza a competitivităţii la nivel de firmă (II), Revista de economie industrială, nr. 2/ 2009, Editura Academiei Romane, INCE-CIDE, CEIS, (în curs de apariţie)